Our Collaborators


Dr Diane Apostolopoulos
Dr Zoe Brown*
Dr Lucy Croyle
Dr Nava Ferdowsi*
Mr Dylan Hansen (Biostatistician)
Dr Kathleen Morrisroe*
Dr Gene- Siew Ngian
Prof Mandana Nikpour
Dr Laura Ross*
A/Prof Joanne Sahhar
Dr Wendy Stevens
Dr Gemma Strickland (Geelong, Victoria)
Dr Maryam Tabesh (Research Project Officer)

Western Australia

Dr Lauren Host
Dr Janet Roddy

Australian Capital Territory

A/Prof Kathleen Tymms

New South Wales

Dr Helen Englert
Dr Roger Laurent
Dr Gabor Major (Newcastle, New South Wales)
Prof Leslie Schrieber
Dr Tien Tay*
A/Prof Vivek Thakkar*
A/Prof Peter Youssef


A/Prof Peter Nash (Sunshine Coast)


Dr Helen Cooley
A/Prof Jane Zochling

South Australia

Prof Catherine Hill
Prof Susanna Proudman
A/Prof Maureen Rischmueller
A/Prof Jenny Walker
*Past or present ASIG Fellow
ASIG Collaborations with External Researchers and Organisations
Australian Working group for Autologous Stem Cell transplantation for Scleroderma
A/Prof John Moore (St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney) and Prof Andrew Grigg (Austin Hospital)
Canadian Scleroderma Research Group (CSRG)
Prof Murray Baron and A/Prof Marie Hudson
Centre for Inflammatory Diseases, Monash University
Prof Eric Morand, Dr Fabien Vincent and Dr James Harris
Deciphering the Genetic Basis and Pathogenesis of SSc
Collaborations with
Prof Matt Brown (Rheumatologist and Genomics Researcher, Queensland University of Technology, Australia) and
Prof Jacob George (Gastroenterologist / Hepatologist, University of Sydney, Australia).

Australian Translational Genomics Centre, Queensland University of Technology
A/Prof Tony Kenna
International Systemic Sclerosis Inception Cohort (INSYNC)
Prof Murray Baron (Canada), A/Prof Marie Hudson (Canada), Dr Tracy Frech (USA), Prof Patricia Carreira (Spain)
Role of occupational exposures in development of systemic sclerosis
Prof Malcolm Sim, A/Prof Debra Glass, Dr Ryan Hoy
Royal Prince Alfred Respiratory Medicine Department
A/Prof Tamera Corte and Dr Adelle Jee (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney)
Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium

The Scleroderma Patient-Centred Intervention Network (SPIN) - International Trial of Web-Based Self-Management Interventions for Scleroderma Patients
with Prof Brett Thombs (Psychologist, McGill University, Canada) and international investigators.
Tri-Nation collaboration - Auto-Antibody Associations in Systemic Sclerosis
with Prof Shervin Assassi (University of Texas, USA), A/Prof Marie Hudson (McGill University, Canada) and Prof Marvin Fritzler (University of Calgary, Canada)
List of consumer organisations
Arthritis Australia
Australian Lung Foundation
Scleroderma Australia

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